Saturday, May 22, 2010
Rock-Solid Faith: Faith in the midst of fierce trials
Imagine your worst nightmare (death of a loved one, terminal illness, rejection). Increase it tenfold in the horror scale. What will your response be?
Now, think of the trials life has dished on your plate today. Have you ever asked these questions: What did I do to deserve this to happen to me? Why are my prayers going unanswered? Where is God and what is He doing to help me?
Last week, I had one of the worst nights of my life. It didn’t involve anyone else but me and God.
Basically, I was struggling to keep my head (my faith) afloat. I was drowning in doubt and was being pulled deeper underwater by the burden of burn out.
I will always look back to that moment and praise God for upholding me in that dark hour. Indeed, I was glad that I held on, even just barely, because God came through after all.
(Read about it here)
From that experience, I was able to glean this simple but powerful lesson:
“When you feel like giving up, don’t.”
“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
From this verse, we can derive some very interesting points to ponder on:
1. “Those who love him” are those who “persevere under trial.”
2. There is an end to the suffering. (“…when he has stood the test.”)
3. A reward will be waiting in heaven. (“…he will receive the crown of life that God has promised…”)
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